Will Your Focus on Capability Result in Business Growth? (A Resounding, ‘Yes’!)
The ‘Mantra of Six Sigma’ sets the ‘Gold Standard’ for Minimum Defects in Quality Systems. Still, the ‘Quality’ subject needs to be approached with caution. As mentioned previously, Lean Efficiency can reduce much of the variation in ‘Key Characteristic’ data. Though, once you have improved that ‘Efficiency’, the next focus is a verifiable ‘Six Sigma Quality Standard’. Your first question should be, ‘What Product ‘Key Characteristic’ data needs to be measured? If the ‘Customer’ has not set these parameters, the Continuous Improvement Leader should consider ‘Quantitative’ variable ‘Key Characteristic’ data required in ‘Product Functionality’.
Readily available ‘X Bar (mean) and R (Range) Control Chart’ software will accept normal variable data and show the Mean, Six Sigma UCL (Upper Control Limit) and LCL (Lower Control Limit) plus Cpk (Process Capability). Verifying ‘Control of the Process’ via the ‘Range Chart’ allows a quick determination that the Cpk (Process Capability) will be better than the ‘Required’ Cpk of 1.0 for a Sigma of Six.
As an example, Boeing requires a process Cpk of 1.33. Effectively, this requires the ‘Process Capability’ to have a ‘Tighter Variability’ than the Six Sigma ‘Control Limits’ and allows a ‘Margin of Error’ for the ‘Key Characteristic’ being measured. Thus, the ‘Key Characteristic’ measurement could effectively be ‘Outside’ the current ‘Variability Range’ and still ‘Within Six Sigma Control Limits’ (And within required engineering functionality specifications). This increased ‘Capability’ for the ‘Process’translates into fewer ‘Field Component Failures’. Thus, improving ‘Brand Loyalty’and ‘Product Confidence’. Remember, Price is always a Factor in a ‘Purchase’, but the ‘Value’ built into that ‘Price’ via ‘Confidence in Systems’ definitely translates into BUSINESS GROWTH!
Todd Adams
OBR Optimization Engineering: Lean Six Sigma CI, ERP Software Development, Quality Systems Enhancement, Business Process Improvement, CI Project Work. www.OBREngineering.com; POC: Todd Adams, Todd.Adams@OBREngineering.com; (424) 241-0290.
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